New Beginnings

Hello blogger world!

This is my first post on my new website, The Thoughts of a Nerd Girl, and I’m really excited about it. I do have another blog, but I’ve decided to dedicate it to other things, and I want a blog where I can simply rant about books, TV-series, nerdgirls, fandoms, and basically all geek-related stuff.

So, yay!

I’ll write something about me in the “About” section of the blog, so if you want to find out about me, go there.

Mostly I’ll write about books and TV-series, but occasionally other things might arise, and so you’ll have to bear with me.

I might post a few poems and assorted works that I’ve written, but if you think that’s the most idiotic idea of the century, I’ll refrain… maybe.

I guess this is it.

I hope you stick around.