100 Words Other Than “Said”

Hello everyone! So, I was doing this writing workshop in my English class the other day, and this time we discussed the word “said.” It’s not a bad word – there are just so many other words that you could use. It doesn’t really say anything about how the person is saying it – it’s just kind of there, and since there already are quotation marks, it’s slightly redundant.

So I’ve compiled a long list of words to use other than “said,” and this is a list that I frequently use when I can’t think of any other word than “said.”

("No More "Said"")
(“No More “Said””)

Bear in mind though, the word isn’t evil, and sometimes it is the only word you can use – but usually people use to much of it, and there are other, more appropriate, words.

So… here goes!

  1. Exclaim
  2. Cry
  3. Repeat
  4. Respond
  5. Reply
  6. Whisper
  7. Shout
  8. Confess
  9. Admit
  10. Tease
  11. Tell
  12. Declare
  13. Announce
  14. Inquire
  15. Ask
  16. Question
  17. Wonder
  18. Tattle
  19. Mumble
  20. Murmur
  21. Promise
  22. Stammer
  23. Swear
  24. Moan
  25. Agree
  26. Disagree
  27. Apologize
  28. Ponder
  29. Add
  30. Sob
  31. Remark
  32. Scold
  33. Chastise
  34. Rebuke
  35. Reprimand
  36. Reproach
  37. Admonish
  38. Allow
  39. Repeat
  40. Contemplate
  41. Sigh
  42. Grumble
  43. Shriek
  44. Scream
  45. Proclaim
  46. Announce
  47. State
  48. Torment
  49. Breathe
  50. Threaten
  51. Decide
  52. Boast
  53. Deny
  54. Gloat
  55. Contradict
  56. Challenge
  57. Reflect
  58. Laugh
  59. Sing
  60. Advise
  61. Consider
  62. Beg
  63. Snob
  64. Fume
  65. Observe
  66. Lament
  67. Quip
  68. Dissmis
  69. Accuse
  70. Explain
  71. Caution
  72. Exhort
  73. Urge
  74. Growl
  75. Beseech
  76. Hiss
  77. Reassure
  78. Scoff
  79. Seethe
  80. Thunder
  81. Yell
  82. Voice
  83. Weep
  84. Warn
  85. Notify
  86. Inform
  87. Remind
  88. Remember
  89. Stress
  90. Suggest
  91. Probe
  92. Snarl
  93. Shrug
  94. Retort
  95. Hint
  96. Finish
  97. Comfort
  98. Concede
  99. Vow
  100. Encourage

And the list goes on and on. There are many other words out there, but these are 100 words that you can use other than “said.”

Have an awesome day!
